
Program state err

Provide an initial state and a render function to the platform.

    init : Task state []err,
    render : state -> Task state []err,


A state record provided by platform on each frame.

    timestampMillis : U64,
    frameCount : U64,
    keys : Keys.Keys,
    mouse : {
        position : Vector2,
        buttons : Mouse.Buttons,
        wheel : F32,


Represents a keyboard key, like KeyA or KeyEnter.


Represents a rectangle.

{ x : F32, y : F32, width : F32, height : F32 }


Represents a 2D vector.

{ x : F32, y : F32 }


Represents a color using a tag union.

# a generic rgba color
RGBA { r : U8, g : U8, b : U8, a : U8 }

# predefined colors
... etc


A loaded texture resource, used to draw images.


A loaded sound resource, used to play audio.


A camera used to render a 2D perspective of the world.

rgba : Color -> InternalColor.RocColor

exit : Task {} *

Exit the program.


log : Str, [ LogAll, LogTrace, LogDebug, LogInfo, LogWarning, LogError, LogFatal, LogNone ] -> Task {} *

Show a Raylib log trace message.

Raylib.log! "Not yet implemented" LogError

beginDrawing : Color -> Task {} *

Begin drawing to the framebuffer. Takes a color to clear the screen with.

RocRay.beginDrawing! White

endDrawing : Task {} *

End drawing to the framebuffer.


setWindowTitle : Str -> Task {} *

Set the window title.

RocRay.setWindowTitle! "My Roc Game"

setWindowSize : { width : F32, height : F32 } -> Task {} *

Set the window size.

RocRay.setWindowSize! { width: 800, height: 600 }

getScreenSize : Task { height : F32, width : F32 } *

Get the window size.

setTargetFPS : I32 -> Task {} *

Set the target frames per second. The default value is 60.

setDrawFPS : { fps : [ Visible, Hidden ], posX ? I32, posY ? I32 } -> Task {} *

Display the frames per second, and set the location. The default values are Hidden, 10, 10.

Raylib.setDrawFPS! { fps: Visible, posX: 10, posY: 10 }

measureText : { text : Str, size : I32 } -> Task I64 *

Measure the width of a text string using the default font.

drawText : { pos : { x : F32, y : F32 }, text : Str, size : I32, color : Color } -> Task {} *

Draw text on the screen using the default font.

RocRay.drawText! { pos: { x: 50, y: 120 }, text: "Click to start", size: 20, color: White }

drawLine : { start : Vector2, end : Vector2, color : Color } -> Task {} *

Draw a line on the screen.

RocRay.drawLine! { start: { x: 100, y: 500 }, end: { x: 500, y: 500 }, color: Red }

drawRectangle : { rect : Rectangle, color : Color } -> Task {} *

Draw a rectangle on the screen.

RocRay.drawRectangle! { rect: { x: 100, y: 150, width: 250, height: 100 }, color: Aqua }

drawRectangleGradientV : { rect : Rectangle, top : Color, bottom : Color } -> Task {} *

drawRectangleGradientH : { rect : Rectangle, top : Color, bottom : Color } -> Task {} *

Draw a rectangle with a horizontal-gradient fill on the screen.

RocRay.drawRectangleGradientH! { rect: { x: 400, y: 150, width: 250, height: 100 }, top: Lime, bottom: Navy }

drawCircle : { center : Vector2, radius : F32, color : Color } -> Task {} *

Draw a circle on the screen.

RocRay.drawCircle! { center: { x: 200, y: 400 }, radius: 75, color: Fuchsia }

drawCircleGradient : { center : Vector2, radius : F32, inner : Color, outer : Color } -> Task {} *

Draw a circle with a gradient on the screen.

RocRay.drawCircleGradient! { center: { x: 600, y: 400 }, radius: 75, inner: Yellow, outer: Maroon }

takeScreenshot : Str -> Task {} *

Takes a screenshot of current screen (filename extension defines format)

Raylib.takeScreenshot! "screenshot.png"

createCamera : { target : Vector2, offset : Vector2, rotation : F32, zoom : F32 } -> Task Camera *

Create a new camera. The camera can be used to render a 2D and 3D perspective of the world.

cameraSettings = {
    target: player,
    offset: { x: screenWidth / 2, y: screenHeight / 2 },
    rotation: 0,
    zoom: 1,

cameraID = RocRay.createCamera! cameraSettings

updateCamera : Camera, { target : Vector2, offset : Vector2, rotation : F32, zoom : F32 } -> Task {} *

Update a camera's target, offset, rotation, and zoom.

cameraSettings =
    |> &target model.player
    |> &rotation rotation
    |> &zoom zoom

RocRay.updateCamera! model.cameraID cameraSettings

beginMode2D : Camera -> Task {} *

Begin to draw a 2D scene using a camera.

Note you must call endMode2D after drawing is complete or you will get an error.

Raylib.beginMode2D! camera

endMode2D : Camera -> Task {} *

End drawing a 2D scene using a camera.

Raylib.endMode2D! camera

loadTexture : Str -> Task Texture *

Load a texture from a file.

texture = Raylib.loadTexture! "sprites.png"

drawTextureRec : { texture : Texture, source : Rectangle, pos : Vector2, tint : Color } -> Task {} *

Draw part of a texture.

# Draw the sprite at the player's position.
RocRay.drawTextureRec! {
    texture: model.dude,
    source: dudeSprite model.direction dudeAnimation.frame,
    pos: model.player,
    tint: White,

loadSound : Str -> Task Sound *

Load a sound from a file.

wav = RocRay.loadSound "resources/sound.wav"

playSound : Sound -> Task {} *

Play a loaded sound.

RocRay.playSound! wav