A TVG graphic
graphic : { width ? U16, height ? U16, scale ? U8, format ? ColorEncoding, precision ? Precision } -> Graphic
Create a new graphic with the given options.
graphic {} # Produces a 100x100 graphic, 1/1 scale, u8888 encoding, default precision
applyColor : Graphic, Color, (Graphic, ColorIndex -> Graphic) -> Graphic
Adds a color to the graphic and returns the updated graphic and the color's index which is required for styling
g0 = Graphic.graphic {} g1, white <- g0 |> Graphic.applyColor (Color.fromBasic White) g2, purple <- g1 |> Graphic.applyColor (Color.rocPurple)
This is an example to add two colors.
addCommand : Graphic, Command -> Graphic
Adds a draw command to the graphic
toText : Graphic -> Str
Build TVG text format from a graphic